There are so many programs, sports and activities for children at all stages of development. As a parent, it is hard to know which activities to choose for your child. One choice that has long term benefits is music education. No matter what the age, there are music opportunities for your child whether it is classes, lessons or band/choir. And research is showing that the longer your child is in music, the better the results.
Children participating in music education programs have increased abilities in several cognitive areas.
First, students are better prepared to learn. Music training provides students with enhanced fine motor skills as well as better memory and thinking skills.
Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning.
Playing a musical instrument relieves stress.
Music performance teaches young people to conquer fear and to take risks.
Children perform better in academic achievement. Many studies have concluded that a background in music helps students both in verbal and math areas. Students perform better on SAT scores as opposed to students without a music educational background.
Math teaches logic and order.
Logic. Trains your mind. Trains your memory.
You can expect a mathematical equation to have a predictable outcome, and precise steps must be followed in order to attain that result. The discipline of mind that children develop in math class can carry over into everyday life.( from )
Research shows that young minds do better if they are exposed to interesting activities such as brain games.
• Your child gets to practice and improve his basic math skills in a fun way.
• He learns to think in a logical manner.
• If math bores or scares him, doing logic puzzles will help to get him hooked to the subject.